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What can I expect during a Reiki session?


First, you've gotta set up an appointment- so send us an e-mail ( ) with your name, phone number and nature of your request. Also, please let us know which city you would like to book in.


We will call you and have a quick chat on the phone so that we can get an idea of how to best help you. Reiki isn't McDonalds, there's no "one size fits all" variant and you deserve the best we can offer.


A typical Reiki session  at Firefly will last from 30-90 minutes in terms of energy treatment. We are very diligent in our practice and prioritize your needs; while we have a time-based price structure, occasionally a treatment may naturally run over the 'X minutes' of therapy. Clearly, we won't charge you for such overages-Reiki is about healing. We will not be in a hurry and neither should you, allow yourself the healing space and the healing Time. 


We don't believe we are a medical clinic and we work in comfortable environments. This may include (but would never be limited to) our studios, the park, a festival or outer space.


You will find that we have a no frills and no-BS approach. Reiki is difficult enough to understand without making extra stuff up.


We also love to laugh, learn and meet new people 


To Begin With,


There may be a cup of tea for you to drink- because we really love tea and its good for you. If its your first time, our Healer will use this as an opportunity to discuss the session. 


Our Firefly Reiki professional will  prepare the space and invite you in.

Depending on your needs and the therapy, you may be seated or lie down.


The treatment itself can be hands on or touchless (or even from a distance)- this is one of the things you will discuss with your Healer.

Generally there are some set hand positions during longer treatments, but the Healer may simply focus on a specific area of concern.

Loose and comfortable clothing is recommended- this is not massage, so you will remain dressed throughout the session. 


What will I feel?


Relaxation, sense of meaning, clear mind, ease or disappearance of pain (chronic or temporary). Awareness of True Self. Decongestion, decompression. Emotional balancing during seasonal and astrological cycles. The Fates will smile upon you. You may fall asleep, you may have a vision. Sometimes deep emotional or karmic issues may resolve themselves. Peace, balance, Light.


The actual experience differs from person to person- yours will be unique, enlightening and beneficial.


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